If you’ve researched wireless internet services with BizVox, you’ve come across our page that talks about how Wi-Fi is Life. We say that because in this day and age, Wi-Fi is a huge part of your home, work, and social lives. Think about your typical day from sunrise to sundown. How does that look and when does Wi-Fi become necessary?

Using Wi-Fi Throughout the Day

For most, it’s after that first buzz of an alarm clock. Starting your day off even from bed you can begin brewing a pot of coffee using your Wi-Fi programmable coffee maker, or watching videos from your favorite social media app. Some might even get straight to work and check their email from a laptop or smartphone before jumping in the shower. Wi-Fi is there for you to get your day underway. Once you’re ready to start your workday from your home office or company office, Wi-Fi will be involved. Working from home most days, I use Wi-Fi all day via my desk phone, laptop, and smartphone. If you have a commute to work, you can access Wi-Fi from your car if available. And once you arrive to your company office, the possibilities of the number of Wi-Fi compatible devices you interact with all day is long. Once your workday is complete, you might decide to enjoy life out on the town, or just get home to Netflix and chill. Since most restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, social clubs, lounges, beauty salons have Wi-Fi, you can stay connected. Or if your Smart TV, a blanket, and a bowl of popcorn is more your speed, Wi-Fi will get you through the night from the couch too.

Wi-fi is Life

As we’ve been highlighting this month, June houses World Wi-Fi Day as well as the gathering of the World Broadband Alliance (WBA) members for the WGA conference. Check out those blogs to learn more and our original Wi-Fi blog; 7 Interesting Facts About Wireless Services — Wi-Fi.

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