Celebrate National Telephone Day Tuesday April 25, 2023

A previous blog post from January 2023 was about the telephone. The past, the present, and where will the phone go in the future were highlighted. And tomorrow we will celebrate National Telephone Day! Celebrating National Days became a big part of my life back in 2016. I even bought a calendar to be in the know and to be prepared for all of my upcoming favorite National days.

In our industry, the telephone is what we do. And tomorrow we celebrate the physical phone and all of its glorious transformations. Some generations only know one type of phone and that’s the cellular phone.  Those of us that grew up in any decade before 2000, know about the ever-changing telephone.  From the pay phone out in front of your favorite store, to the telephone on the wall in the kitchen, to the popular cordless phone, the telephone has lots of memories to be proud of and to be celebrated.

Things you can do to celebrate National Telephone Day

To make tomorrow special, consider doing some of the following things in honor of National Telephone Day.

  • Call someone in your life that you’d like to make sure they know how much you appreciate them.  There are certain things that just don’t get said enough, and letting a special person in your life know that you truly appreciate them is for sure one of them.
  • Challenge yourself to use your cell phone for phone calls only.  Stay off your apps and SMS for the day, and strictly use your phone to talk.
  • Use today to research National Telephone Day.  A great website like Nationaltoday.com keep you in the know.

Here at BizVox we’re excited to see how technology continues to evolve the business solutions that will work best for your business. Find out more about Telephone Equipment by completing our Request A Quote form or contacting us at sales@bizvox.net or 843-628-0860. BizVox – Connecting the Charleston area with confidence.

National Telephone Day

Resource: NationalToday.com — National Telephone Day

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