Your building and surrounding property is secure 24/7 with a business camera surveillance system installed by BizVox. At BizVox we believe that one package or product is not designed to fit every customer. We do not represent specific product lines or manufacturers. We prefer the freedom to put together the best equipment to address your specific security requirements.
Whether you are in the need for a new system install from the ground up or needing to expand or upgrade the quality of an existing system in place, BizVox can provide a solution to accommodate your business needs. By choosing BizVox and the right business camera systems, your company can include camera surveillance as part of that customized package.
Our technicians know their way around camera systems and are proficient in the installation. Work with BizVox to ensure that you get the right type of camera and storage that makes the most sense for your business. BizVox – Connecting the Charleston area with confidence.

Our Business Solutions Include: