Listening on the job. Maybe it’s the sweet sounds of classic rock over the PA system in your hair salon that keep you productive during the workday. It might be the enrichment you receive by taking telephone calls and scheduling appointments at your doctor’s office. With so many different scenarios that can be drawn, the takeaway is how the PA system and proper telephone equipment make your business successful.
We’ve provided a list of work environments where the PA system is key and we’ve also talked about how the proper telephone equipment makes employees be better at their job. Now that we know we need these tools in place, how will I see the investment pay off? Just as these two tools help your team effectively communicate, these tools are just as responsible for superb listening skills.
While watching a guilty pleasure of mine, The Amazing Race, during a previous season the contestants were greeted on the mat by Phil and a Greek philosopher. Before Phil told them which team number they’d finished as, the philosopher said: ‘We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.’ Originally credited to Epictetus, a Greek philosopher, the impact of the importance of listening versus talking really hit home for me. It reminded me to always be a better listener in professional and personal situations.
With team members who are focused on their role, and using their listening skills, you’ll quickly see that your investment into these business technology solutions has paid off.