One of my first distinct memories of security cameras is from gambling in casinos. I remember hearing the cameras called “the eye in the sky” and talking about being watched. There is a great scene in the movie Casino with Robert DeNiro that covers how “The Eye in the Sky is Watching Us All“. From that point on I was aware of camera systems and how they make me feel safe.
In a previous post we provided you with an Infographic Timeline of the evolution of the camera system. As technology advances, so does the camera system. These advancements not only included the quality of the camera, but also where cameras can be found and how you can review the end results of what was recorded.
Why do security cameras make me feel safe?
It’s like a warm fuzzy. A great big hug. A security blanket. The realization that someone else is watching out for me, besides myself, feels great. Recent data proves that stores or businesses with cameras are 33% less likely to have a crime at their site.
Discourages Bad Behavior
When entering a business and security cameras are prevalent, versus a location with no cameras, I feel the likelihood of someone stealing from me or the business go down. Statistics show when security cameras are visible there is a 47% reduction in crime.
Multiple Remote Viewers
Depending on your organization and who oversees what, having multiple employees with access to view camera alerts is key. From your hours of operation, proximity of your home to your office, camera system settings/triggers, and ability to help if there is an emergency is why having multiple users with remote viewing access is recommended. This also works for homeowners with neighborhood watch networking programs.
Ability to Provide Proof
We all know that not all bad guys are deterred by security cameras, we’ve seen the videos, but now as a business owner I can provide proof of the crime. Verification of the event. It’s not always a person who can cause damage to your property; Mother Nature can as well. Because of the proof my cameras have now provided, this puts me in a less stressful situation than the shop with no recorded proof.
I’m not naïve to believe that a security camera is going to keep all bad things, bad people, and bad events from taking place. I’m also not naïve to think that because I have a recording of the event, that it automatically means the crime will be solved. The stats above prove that. But businesses with security cameras are a step ahead of those without and do make me feel safe. Plus, with how cost effective a camera system is today, make the investment and feel safe too.

Resources: YouTube The Eye in the Sky is watching us all – OpticsMag, 11 Security Camera Statics and Data – 2023 Update